#Eneamiga | 60x60’


Format: HD

Themes: Drama

Language: Spanish


Life looks different from social networks, especially if you are a great influencer like Paula, (Diana Díaz) a famous youtuber, who shows her day to day in a reality show. In the eyes of the world, Paula has the perfect existence, until the reunion with Mariale (Charyl Chacón), Diego (Leonardo Aldana), and Guille (Damián Genovese), her teenage friends make her see that virtual happiness hides many gaps in his reality. What should be a brotherly reunion brings out intrigue, jealousy, envy and resentment left by old broken promises. The friends and loves of the past are back to question the model of happiness of this foursome, which will cause a great crisis of adulthood. This opens the possibility that your best friend will become your worst enemy.